Us convidem a participar al 26è Congrés Internacional de l’Associació Catalana d’Intel·ligència Artificial (CCIA 2024) que tindrà lloc del 2 al 4 dOctubre de 2024 a La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
We invite you to participate in the 26th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2024) that will take place on 2-4th October 2024 at La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).

The conference will take place at La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
El congrés tindrà lloc a La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
The entrance for the congress shall be using the door in carrer Lluçanès 43, 08022 Barcelona. The congress will take place in ‘Sala de Congressos’.
L’entrada es farà per la porta del carrer Lluçanès 43, 08022 Barcelona. El congrés es desenvoluparà a la Sala de Congressos.
El congrés no ha establert uns hotels de referència, pero els següents es troben a prop.
14:00-15:00 | Registre / Registration |
15:00-15:30 | Obertura / Opening |
15:30-16:30 | Bloc Papers 1 / Paper Block 1 Unsupervised Pairwise Causal Discovery on Heterogeneous Data using Mutual Information Measures – Alexandre Trilla;Nenad Mijatovic SynthRetina: Revolutionizing Fundus Image Analysis through Synthetic Data Enhancement – Najwa Sharaf Aldeen; Hatem A. Rashwan; Saddam Abdulwahab; Domenec Puig Optimizing Energy Consumption of Kubernetes Clusters with Deep Reinforcement Learning – Alejandro Espinosa; Daniel Ulied;Josep Escrig; Adriana Fernández-Fernández; Rizkallah Touma Predictive Maintenance in the Food Industry: A Case Study Using Vibration Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques – Francisco Fernández-Peláez |
16:30-17:00 | Coffee Break |
17:00 – 18:00 | Bloc Papers 2 / Paper Block 2 Characterization of Synthetic Lung Nodules in Conditional Latent Diffusion of Thoracic CT Scans – Roger Marí Molas; Carla Pitarch Abaigar; Mar Galofré Cardo; Paula Subías Beltrán; Rafael Redondo Tejedor Impact of Maternal Nutrition on Neonatal Birthweight: A Machine Learning Study – Muhammad Mursil; Hatem A. Rashwan; Luis SANTOS-CALDERON; Michelle Murphy; Domenec Puig Generative Models for Data Augmentation on Inertial Measurement Units Data Classification – Blanca Llauradó; José Fernando Núñez; Axel Romero; Jamie Arjona; Javier Bejar Alonso; Jorge A. Gómez-García; Diego Torricelli A tool for reading evaluation in Arithmetic Word Problems – Elena Álvarez García; Daniel Garcia Costa; Sandra Paniagua; Maria Teresa Sanz; María Santagueda; Pablo Mocholí; Emilia Lopez Iñesta; Francisco Grimaldo |
18:00 – 19:00 | Conferència Josep Lluís Micó / Josep Lluís Micó Conference Artificialitis |
19:00 – 20:00 | Assemblea ACIA |
9:00-10:00 | Bloc Papers 3 / Paper Block 3 Checking Robustness of Neural Network Models for the Classification of Malware – Jordi Planes; Ramòn Béjar; Josep Argelich; António Morgado; Teresa Alsinet Multiclass lesion detection using longitudinal MRI in multiple sclerosis – Ander Elkoroaristizabal; Francesc Vivó; Alberto Calvi; Elisabet Solana; Elisabet Lopez-Soley; Salut Alba-Arbalat; Marcos Diaz Hurtado; Baris Kanber; Jordi Casas-Roma; Sara Llufriu; Ferran Prados; Eloy Martinez-de-Las-Heras Open Source Cardiac Digital Twinning of Human Ventricular Repolarisation from 12-lead ECG and MRI – Julià Camps Pushing the boundaries of Natural Language Processing (NLP): Enhancing Catalan Text Transcription through Large-Scale Models in the educational field – Sergi Ramirez Mitjans; Huilin Ni; Jofre Mosegui; Javier Puerta; Marcel Vera; Karina Gibert |
10:00 – 11:00 | Bloc Papers Curts 1 / Short Papers Block 1 Enhancing Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Efficiency using Digital Twins and Machine Learning – Aissam Daaboub; Lluís Echeverria Rovira; Edgar Rubion Soler Detection of epileptic seizures with EEG sequential patterns – Cristina Montserrat; Jonah Fernandez; Bianca Innocenti; Beatriz López Landmark Anything: Multi-view Consensus Convolutional Networks Applied to the 3D Landmarking of Anatomical Structures – Álvaro Heredia-Lidón; Christian García-Mascarell; Luis Miguel Echeverry-Quiceno; Daniel Herrera-Escartín; Juan Fortea;Edith Pomarol-Clotet; Mar Fatjó-Vilas; Neus Martínez-Abadías; Xavier Sevillano Learning Brain-Storming with Multiagent Multi-Armed Bandits – Alejandra López de Aberasturi Gómez; Jordi Sabater Mir; Carles Sierra Automatic Catalan keyword spotting database generator – Alex Sanchez Casals; Sergio Montoya; Josep Escrig; Ivan Huerta Floating to Fixed-Point Conversion of Deep Neural Networks with Guaranteed Error Bounds – Cristina Montserrat; Jonah Fernandez; Bianca Innocenti; Beatriz López The use of GPT and social media for operations management. Application in hospitality smart services – Didier Grimaldi; Esteban Ariza; Johan Giraldo; Mateo Valdes Speech synthesis of Valencian using a conditional variational autoencoder with adversarial learning – Joan Aragó; Marc Freixes Towards Explainable Cuisine Prediction for Recipes with Image Color Analysis – Vicente Casales-Garcia; Ismael Sanz; Lledó Museros; Luis Gonzalez-Abril Negotiating Control: A Neurosymbolic Variable Autonomy Approach – Georgios Bakirtzis; Manolis Chiou; Andreas Theodorou |
11:00-12:00 | Coffee Break – Poster Session |
12:00-13:00 | Conferència Leila Amgoud / Leila Amgoud Conference Computational Argumentation: Foundations and Applications |
13:00-14:00 | Bloc Papers 4 / Paper Block 4 On Modus Ponens in discrete Implication derived from discrete Uninorms – Isabel Maria Aguilo Pons; Pilar Fuster-Parra; Juan Vicente Riera On the use of Modular Quasi-Metrics and Possibility Theory for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems – José Guerrero; Gabriel Jaume-Martin; Maria-del-Mar Bibiloni Femenias; Oscar Valero; Javier Antich Tobaruela Decision Support System for the Diagnosis of Chronic Wounds Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms on Images – Lorena Casanova Lozano; David Reifs Jiménez; Ramon Reig Bolaño; Sergi Grau Carrión |
14:00-15:00 | Dinar / Lunch |
15:00-16:00 | Bloc Papers Curts 2 / Short Papers Block 2 Neurosymbolic AI for studying the quality of life’s dimensions of people with intellectual disability – Vicent Costa; Pilar Dellunde; Diego Fraile Open Source Video Annotation Tool for Underwater Scenes (UVAT) (short paper submission) – Josep Sánchez; Jose-Luis Lisani Unsupervised deep learning architectures for anomaly detection in brain MRI scans – Jordi Malé; Víctor Xirau Guardans; Juan Fortea; Yann Heuzé; Neus Martínez-Abadías; Xavier Sevillano LLM Reasoner and Automated Planner: A new NPC aproach – Israel Puerta; Jordi Sabater Mir Glottal Source Features for Speech Under Stress Classification – Luis Joglar-Ongay; Francesc Alías-Pujol Optimization of vineyard task planning: Constraint programming based tool with customizable domain – Alex Pujol; Raimon Fabregat; Josep Pijuan; Marta Otero; Fernando Alves; Montse Torres; Antonio Dente Preliminary Study for Improving Low / High Voltage Ride-Through Procedures in Distributed Generation Systems by Reinforcement Learning – Mohana Fathollahi; Antonio Camacho Santiago; Cecilio Angulo; Manel Velasco; Pau Martí; Jerrad Hampton Optimizing Machine Translation Models: Practical Strategies with OpenNMT – Jessie Martín;Xavier Vilasís-Cardona A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach Using Implicit Hitting Sets for Weighted CSPs – Aleksandra Petrova;Javier Larrosa;Emma Rollon |
16:00-17:00 | Coffee Break – Poster Session |
17:00-18:00 | Bloc Papers 5 / Paper Block 5 MVSBoost: An Efficient Point Cloud-based 3D Reconstruction – Umair Haroon; Ahmad AlMughrabi; Ricardo Marques; Petia Radeva From Clustering to Intelligent Decision Support System: An Application to 3D Printing – Ashutosh Karna; Karina Gibert Comparative Analysis of Electricity Demand Forecasting at Substation Level – Alex Segura Soler; Jérémy Lancereau; Joaquim Melendez; Carolina Madeira |
18:30-20:00 | Event Academia + Industry Riding the AI Vibe – Cisterna Rei Martí |
20:30 | Sopar de Gala / Gala Dinner |
9:00-10:00 | Apunts sobre història de la IA |
10:00-11:00 | Bloc Papers 6 / Paper Block 6 DemetrIA: artificial intelligence and ethics for the voice cloning of grandfather Demetrio – Jesús Vaquerizo-Serrano; Marc Arnela The DeuteroNoise Dataset: An Initial Exploration of an Underwater Vessel Sound Dataset Within the Framework of a JPI-Oceans Project – Ignasi Nou-Plana; Marc Freixes; Jesús Vaquerizo-Serrano; Marc Arnela; Cristian Cañestro; Eva R. Quintana; Adrian Teaca; Marios Chatzigeorgiou; Ristoratore Filomena; Giovanni Zambon; Lucia Manni; Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès Polyp re-identification system for video capsule endoscopy studies – Pablo Laiz Treceño;Hagen Wenzek Intelligent assistant for multivariant analysis – Xavier Angerri Torredeflot; Oscar Delgado; Karina Gibert |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30-12:30 | Bloc Papers 7 / Paper Block 7 A Complete Tableau Calculus for Non-Clausal Regular MinSAT – Jordi Coll; Chu Min Li; Felip Manyà; Elifnaz Yangin Fuzzy logic-based variable encoding for improved diabetic retinopathy prediction – Jordi Pascual-Fontanilles; Aida Valls; Antonio Moreno; Pedro Romero-Aroca Cross-Domain Linkage for the Music Industry: an industry case and a synthetic benchmark – Martí Sánchez; Donghao Zhang; Emilio Molina; Aglaia Elli Galata; Gonçal Calvo; Denis Guilhot A fuzzy framework for unraveling experiential tourism value – Eddy Soria; Aida Valls; Jorge Luis Mariño; Ana Beatriz Hernández |
12:30-13:00 | Premi Marc Esteva Vivanco / Marc Esteva Vivanco Award |
13:00-14:00 | Entrega de Premis / Award Ceremony |
- AI Applications
- AI Problem Solving
- Agents and Multi-agent Systems / Hybrid systems
- Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Systems
- Artificial Vision and Image Processing / Perception
- Cognitive Modelling and Cognitive Systems
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Databases
- Ethical, Legal, Social, Economic and Cultural aspects of AI (ELSEC-AI)
- Explainable and Interpretable AI
- Fusion / Aggregation of Information
- Human-Machine Communication
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Knowledge Representation and Ontologies
- Logic, Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic
- Machine Learning and Case-based Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Planning, Optimization, Satisfiability and Constraints
- Real Time AI
- Recommender Systems, Text Mining, and Semantic Web
- Robotics
- Virtual Agents

Leila Amgoud is currently a director of research for the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the deputy director of the Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research (IRIT), and the holder of a chair for argumentation in the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI). Leila Amgoud has been EurAI Fellow since 2014 and her research involves argumentation for explainable artificial intelligence.
josep lluís micó sanz

Josep Lluís Micó is a Professor of Journalism at Ramon Llull University. He collaborates with the main media groups in the country—RTVE, Prensa Ibérica, Godó—as a technology analyst. Josep Lluís has also participated in innovation projects with digital giants like Meta and Google. His latest book is titled Artificialitis (Saldonar, 2024) and deals with the uncritical fascination with artificial intelligence.
Conference contributions are published at the conference proceedings book in the collection “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications” of IOS Press (Open-access), available here.
We invite the authors to submit extended versions of their work to the
following Special Issue:
The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
(Springer, JIF 2.9), special issue titled “AI for Smart Society”

After receiving the notification of acceptance, ACIA member students who will attend the conference can apply for grants funded by Associació Catalana d’Intel·ligència Artificial.
Deadline: July 18
- General Chair – Presidenta : Teresa Alsinet (Universitat de Lleida)
- Local Organization Chair – Organització Local : Xavier Vilasís (La Salle – Universitat Ramon Llull)
- Scientific Programme Chair – President del Comitè Científic : Daniel García (Universitat de València)
- Scientific Programme Chair – Presidenta del Comitè Científic : Elena Álvarez (Universitat de València)